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Why Oakley Speaks to me!

I have loved sunglasses since I was a kid. Unfortunately, the stereotype of a blind person is one of wearing dark unfash ... read more

Take That First Step!

Clarity creates energy. This was the last few words in a quote I read today. The rest of the quote was okay, but the ... read more

Doing the Hard Things Makes Life Easy!

Doing the hard things makes everything else easier. While reading James Clears email today a concept from writer Nat ... read more

Doing the Hard Things Makes Life Easy!

2023-07-24 11:41:58

Doing the hard things makes everything else easier. While reading James Clears email today a concept from writer Nat Eliason struck me. When you constantly push yourself to do the hard things ie lift heavy, write a book, speak in front of a crowd, work on being present it makes everything else in life seem easy. The definition of hard is subjective. It is based on personal experience and your interpretation of that experience. This means, that if you are constantly pushing yourself to do more difficult things that contrast with everything else makes them seem easy, simple, and small. Your perspective changes. You start to undrestand how difficult continually reaching for better is and you come to appreciate those who are on the same journey. You acknowledge that mistakes and setbacks will occur on the path of hard. It is part of the process of growth. Attempting, overcoming, and succeeding in doing the hard things gives you a since of accomplishment, humility, respect, confidence, and understanding that is beyond those who never attempt anything difficult. Doing the hard things makes you a better person, not only because of the growth that naturally occurs but because of the spiritual growth that is necessary to never lose enthusiasm for the process of learning, attempting, failing, reevaluating, and ultimately succeeding! #RyonEsquire #NoLimits #NFLAlumni #BusinessConsultant #PeakPerformance #Model #Leader #Leadership #Teamwork #Culture #ThoughtLeader #DoingTheHardThings #BeLegendary Www.ryon


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